5 Lankers Drive Harrow HA2 7PA



Always home made. Always in small batches.

Why Cultured Ghee?

Cultured Ghee is much better for you than butter. It has a high smoking point of 250℃, It is much better to cook with than butter and most cooking oils because it locks in all of your food’s goodness and flavours, And apart from all the health benefits, it tastes delicious and is full of flavour.

Health benefits of ghee:

Reduces gut inflammation. Ghee is a great source of butyric acid, a short-chain fatty acid that has been linked to lower levels of inflammation and improved digestive health in human and animal studies

Rich in conjugated linoleic acid. Some research suggests that conjugated linoleic acid may be beneficial for conditions like cancer, high cholesterol, and obesity

Boosts vitamin A intake. Ghee can help ramp up your intake of vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that’s important for maintaining eye health, skin health, immune function, and more

Supports heart health. Ghee is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may help decrease inflammation and protect against heart disease, when consumed in right quantities.

It’s a natural source of butyric acid. Butyric acid is a natural supplement that supports in the treatment of Chron’s Disease, Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation etc.

Cultured Ghee

Home Ghee makes cultured ghee using a traditional process, which is much more than just commercial ghee.


What is cultured ghee?

Cultured ghee is made by milk cream, which is fermented in an instant pot using yogurt culture. Cultured butter is extracted from this fermented cream by churning in a blender. This butter has been simmered and cooked over low heat until the milk solids have a chance to start to brown lightly, creating a slightly nutty, caramelized residue. It is shelf-stable, with a high smoke point and deeply nutty flavor. Ghee has played a key role in Ayurveda for centuries, where it's prized for its anti-inflammatory, digestive, and therapeutic properties.

What is the difference between regular Ghee and Cultured Ghee?

With regular Ghee, Milk is separated into Cream which gets churned into Butterwhich gets simmered and filtered to make Ghee. With Cultured Ghee, Milk is separated into Cream which is then fermented into Yogurt which gets churned into Butter which gets simmered and filtered to make Ghee.

Is cultured ghee the same as clarified butter?

Cultured ghee is beyond clarified butter. Clarified butter is made simply by heating butter and removing the milk solids from the top. Cultured Ghee on the other hand, is made by fermenting the cream and cooking until all the moisture is boiled off, and all the milk solids (lactose and casein) have settled to the bottom, giving it a caramelised nutty flavour. The milk solids are then filtered out.

What should I use cultured ghee for?

Our Cultured Ghee is multipurpose and can be used in all types of cooking, baking, searing etc or just as a spread. Use it like any other oil. Along with its buttery taste, ghee has a distinct roasted, nutty, fragrance. It's an easy, tasty swap for butter or olive oil in the sauté pan; try ghee forfrying eggs and bread, tart rye crepes

What is the shelf life of cultured ghee?

It's shelf-stable. it should last between 3 and 6 months. If it's kept sealed and refrigerated it will keep for up to a year. We recommend storing in cool, dark, & dry place in the kitchen- like a pantry or shelf.

How are you better than other brands?

Home Ghee is grass-fed and made in small batches. It is naturally rich in vitamins A, E & K and has higher levels of CLA..ultured ghee is even better than regular ghee for those with lactose issues, as lactose is converted into lactic acid during fermentation process.

My Philosophy


The story began when I was researching for the purchase of authentic Ghee during covid lockdown. I tried making ghee of various unsalted butters, however it didn’t give me the concrete childhood taste. Then, I thought of using my grandmother’s technique and it worked miracles. Friends who came by started asking about the aromatic smell in my kitchen and tried it for themselves. It began as a health conscious passion which has now turned into a business.

Cultured Ghee has a more buttery taste as a result of fermentation of the cream. Many people prefer the taste and aroma of cultured foods. Our traditional Cultured Ghee recipe has been used for thousands of years. The ancient tradition of Ayurveda considers Cultured Ghee important for strengthening Agni, our powerful digestive fire. Cultured Ghee is known as Desi Ghee in India, where the word desi means prepared with indigenous method. During the culturing/fermentation process of milk or cream, lactose is converted into lactic acid. This makes for a much more digestible product for many people.

In the normal process of making ghee, the lactose is removed when the milk solids are separated from the fat. This means that normal non-cultured ghee does not usually cause a problem with lactose intolerance. However, cultured ghee is even better than regular ghee for those with lactose issues, as lactose is converted into lactic acid during fermentation process.

Home made in small batches

Because it is sustainable, more eco-friendly and there is very little waste involved. Also, small batches don't require large amounts of energy. Small batch means small footprint.

Healthy and delicious

With an abundance of health

benefit including reducing gut inflammation and supporting heart health, cultured ghee is not only healthy it tastes delicious and is full of flavour.

Cultured Ghee is better

With a high smoking point of 250℃, it is much better to cook with than butter and most cooking oils as it locks in all of your food’s goodness and flavours,

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5 Lankers Drive

Harrow HA2 7PA

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+44 755 779 3396


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